시즌1 - 1화 "Yesterdays' Jam"
I find the best thing to do with a new employee is to size them up with a long hard stare.
~를 평가하다
Make up your mind.
마음을 결정하다
Really looking forward to getting to grips with...
be getting to grips with-
이해하기 시작하다/노력하다
I could go on.
계속 할 수 있어요.
You certainly seem to know your stuff.
(특정 주제·일에 대해) 잘 알다
See, the driver hooks the function by patching the system call table, so it's not safe to unload it unless another thread's about to jump in and do its stuff, and you don't want to end up in the middle of invalid memory.
Why don't you come down here and make me, then?
Make me! (=force me)
(동의하지 않는 상황에서) 해보시던가!
It's about time you got back. It's been all go.
It's all go (= It's extremely busy)
엄청 바쁘다
Did you and her hit it off?
죽이 잘 맞다
They toss us away like yesterday's jam.
Won't be a tick.
(= It won't be two ticks)
오래 안걸려요.
It's Amazon thingy.
뭐더라, 거시기 (이름을 모르거나 잊었을 때 쓰는 말)
She's a bit weird, to say the least.
아무리 좋게 말해도
She is quite the oddball.
Let me put on my slightly larger glasses. Ok, hit me.
(=tell me something interesting)
~에게 말하다.
I make up a load of bollocks about computers and we'll see if she picks up on it.
pick up on - 이해하다. 눈치채다
We do not want to go in there half-cocked.
cock 방아쇠를 당기다
half-cocked 조급한, 준비가 부족한
Would you like us to access the data supplier and connect you up to the matrix?
You will slip up one day and, believe you me, we will be there when you do.
There will be some piece of evidence that will prove without a shadow of a doubt that you don't know anything about computers.
[위다웃 에이 셰도오버덧]
일말의 의심 없이. 아주 명확하게
I cannot believe you're going to tell on me.
Escort them from the premises.
사업장내, 부지내
Why did you come here in the first place?
You just defused that entire situation.
위험을 진정시키다. 폭탄을 제거하다.
I'd say we're on a biweekly beating.
(= every two weeks) 2주마다 1번
(= twice a week) 1주에 2번
If I told you that I had a plan to raise your profile upstairs by 100%, what would you say?
gets more attention from the public
더 많은 관심을 얻다
I need a felt-tip pen and some paper.
You're used to being social piranhas.
시즌1 - 2화 "Calamity Jen"
Hello? I've had a bit of a tumble...
굴러 떨어지다
You berk!
멍청이 (British slang)
which is quite tarty, and they don't necessarily go with any of my outfits.
창녀 같은, 화려한
That's another one. More... Mayhem!
대혼란, 아수라장, 신체상해
as red as a fire engine!
I myself have been subject to some terrible rages.
~의 영향을 받다
I really envy women with dainty feet.
앙증맞은, 얌전한
I actually haven't had a proper go yet.
I would like a go
한 번 하기, 차례
It's a bit sexist, isn't it?
Did you use a soldering iron to make that stress machine?
solder[서러] 납땜하다, 납과주석의 합금 (lead + tin)
soldering iron 납땜용 인두
I always get mixed up between golf and fire.
헷갈리다 (= get confused)
Will he get off my back?
신경 끄다. 내버려두다.
Why don't you get off my back! I'm doing my best.
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